Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Joe and I took the Amtrak Surfliner up the coast from LA to San Luis Obispo on Sunday. I don't even know how to explain it, the beauty of the trip was just overwhelming. From arid, desert-like rock outcroppings, up through emerald green hills dotted with grazing cows, all the while next to an incredible strip of the Pacific Coast. BEAUTIFUL. There were the coolest other passengers, too. Down here it seems everywhere you go there are people of several continents represented. An Asian guy as cute as a cat, a Middle-Eastern guy reading Bukowski, a young white girl from LA with her iPod and video game...then, there's US. ; ) Oh and BTW, we'd have never had this experience if Joe hadn't forgotten a key the first time we drove to the bus stop. We missed our origninal trip and "had to" go on the second train - which took a different route!! A good lesson - "forgetting" the "key" can be a good thing!


  1. Love your narration (ever thought of writing a book?) and the trip sounds wonderful! How interesting how "mistakes" can lead to cool new experiences!!! The Amtrak looks so cool with ALL of those windows too Patti!

  2. Yeah, they didn't have the car with all those windows on the originally scheduled route. No cat looking people either I bet! ; )
