Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Very Good for my Mental Health

They call this place, "City of Angels." Angel, as defined by Dictionaire on my iPhone means: a spiritual being attendant upon God. Well, okay then. I guess it does feel a little like a city full of angels. At least when I'm at the Getty is does. This museum is just 1.4 miles from our apartment, and is totally free to visit any day of the week (closed Mondays, though). The bus ride is 4 minutes and costs just $1.25 each way. You can see why I go here all the time, especially with Joe working 8 AM- 8PM. Today the visibility was amazing (7 miles according to the Weather Channel, you can even see Catalina Island), and I love to sit on one of the patios and watch plane after plane depart from LAX. Another awe-inspiring factor at the Getty is that from several of the lookouts, you look left and see snow capped mountains, and look right and there's the Pacific - just get lost in its blue. Taking the bus there and back adds to the unique urban setting. So yeah, I'll go ahead and say yes to the city of angels, Los Angeles. And I'm grateful. (CLICK on the photos, they're freakishly BIG). And if you don't believe any of that, well, there's a picture of the angels hands and me! PROOF.

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